Come, revel in the delight of Little Krishna and His escapades in this family-led, family-centric musical.
Date & Time: 23rd March 2025 – 2:30PM
Venue: ST. Helens Theatre Royal
A family-led, family centric musical, a debut production depicting the stories of Little Krishna.
About a Little Boy and his magical, mysterious and mischievous escapades. The stories of Little Krishna- the Boy, the Cowherd, The Darling of Vrindavan!
But what makes this project special is that the entire production was put together by a group of amateurs. We are not an arts school or organisation and have had no prior experience in putting a musical together. From sorting our funding ourselves to the technical details to the aesthetics of the production we were the producers, the directors, the script writers, the actors, the musicians, the tailors, the caterers, the cleaners… it was all-in-one and one-in-all.
And on the 10th of March our beloved production- complete with children, trained dancers and musicians came alive on the stage of the Empty Space, Salford. To a rapturous audience.
We are so thrilled to be bringing back our favourite stories again, unique in its production and presentation. Come, revel in the delight of Krishna!