Second Chance

Sri Krishnarpanamastu

Come, revel in the delight of Little Krishna and His escapades in this family-led, family-centric musical.
Date: 10th March 2024
Venue: The Empty Space Salford

It is not every day that you hear of a group of 20 families coming together to ‘put up a show’. 


Yes- as an initiative that started at a dining table, Sri Krishnarpanamastu is certainly a unique endeavour in just the way it has evolved from an innocent conversation to a musical. 


Everything so far has been managed and executed by these 20 odd families with about 30 children taking centre stage- regardless of abilities. 


We are not an arts school or organisation- this is truly family led, family centric and a community-based initiative coming together to tell a story of a magical, little Boy. 


From self-funding to kick start the process to thinking of every logistic, we rely on harnessing our individual strengths for a collective effort. So, we are the dancers, the musicians, the actors, the planners, the producers, the caterers, the cleaners, the directors, the dress makers and the technicians.


Please support our maiden venture with your presence and/or your generous donation.